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Nageen’s “misfortune” is that she gave birth to four daughters and no male child. This is considered taboo and a curse in the Pakistani society.

Nageen was married to Samuel when she was only 14 and was brought into an extended family with three other daughters-in-law.

Nageen’s “misfortune” is that she gave birth to four daughters and no male child. This is considered taboo and a curse in the Pakistani society.

Hence, there was nonstop taunt and torment directed at her by her in-laws. After the birth of her fifth daughter "Efra", her in laws termed her “cursed” and she went into deep depression. Her husband and her daughter too thought of her as insane.


When things became unbearable, Nageen moved, with her youngest daughter to her brother Shahid’s house. The Talitha Kumi Welfare Society legal aid team held several counseling sessions with Nageen and her husband in the presence of her brother at the Talitha Kumi Centre.


The husband admitted having maltreated her and promised not to repeat it again, but after sometime the relationship between the two again got tense. Again Nageen contacted TKWS for advice. She don’t wants to live with her husband. TKWS helped husband and wife to go for judicial separation.

Update: Judicial separation granted by the court. Case close

*Names are changed to protect confidentiality. 


House # 24 St. #15

Nusrat Road, Bahar Colony

Kot Lakhpat, Lahore



T: +92-42-35946251


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Talitha Koomi Welfare Society

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